I'm looking at rapid prototyping for apps today. I found bubble.io and thought it looked a lot like Realbasic used to. So I decided to clomp on over to Google...
I'm sitting here on a Friday evening looking at my Gen. 1 Amazon Echo and wondering if it's hackable enough to turn it into a live tracking device. There's ample...
Let's be clear AI is not a threat to most people's jobs. AI and software will be created to augment current roles in offices today. We're not going to get...
https://github.com/27ankitsharma/Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet-by-Asif-bhatt/find/master If there's anything we could use every now and then it's a good cheat sheet. After years of programming there are so many things you learn with every new...
This is a great site for learning about how companies are using different Amazon Web Services to accomplish their application goals. It's all about architecture and getting ideas for different...